Inspiring Quotes About Business Growth in 2024


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Being a small business owner or entrepreneur is tough and challenging. Every day is a new day, a new challenge, a new adventure, a new opportunity. To deal with highs and lows, ups and downs of entrepreneurship, to keep your fire ignited and keep your passion going, you need motivation.
We have put together a list of more than 30+ small business quotes that contain meaningful and motivational lessons from some of the most successful and famous entrepreneurs.

Inspiring Quotes About Business Growth

“The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”

– Lao Tzu

“Many companies get trapped by the paradox of hitting numbers ‘now’ versus improving sales for future quarters or years ahead.”

– Tiffani Bova

“Forget past mistakes. Forget failures. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it.”

– William Durant

“Employees want to feel inspired by their leaders…hire individuals who will lead by example.”

– Jody Kohner

“Happy employees lead to happy customers, which leads to more profits.”

– Vaughn Aust

“Almost everything worthwhile carries with it some sort of risk, whether it’s starting a new business, whether it’s leaving home, whether it’s getting married, or whether it’s flying in space.”

– Chris Hadfield, astronaut

“It’s very easy to be different but very difficult to be better.”

– Jonathan Ive, Chief Design Officer, Apple

“To be successful, you have to have your heart in your business, and your business in your heart.”

– Thomas Watson, Sr., former CEO, IBM

“I do not know the word ‘quit.’ Either I never did, or I have abolished it.”

– Susan Butcher, sled dog racer

“If you don’t build your dream, someone else will hire you to help them build theirs.”

– Dhirubhai Ambani, founder, Reliance Industries

“The only way you are going to have success is to have lots of failures first.”

– Sergey Brin, co-founder, Google

“Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go.”

– T.S. Eliot, author

“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.”

– Anaïs Nin, writer

“The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are moving.”

– Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, writer/statesman

“Mistakes are the growing pains of wisdom.”

– William George Jordan, writer/editor

“Everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.”

– Andy Rooney, journalist

‘Business not only business, it’s own freedom.”

– Suvodip Sarkar, Founder & CEO – Earning Shekho & Siksakul

“Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle.”

– Napoleon Hill, author

“Conformity is the jailer of freedom and the enemy of growth.”

– John F. Kennedy, 35th president of the United States of America

“Every problem is a gift — without problems we would not grow.”

– Anthony Robbins, motivational speaker and writer

“Motivation is the catalyzing ingredient for every successful innovation.”

– Clayton Christensen, economist and Harvard professor

“Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.”

– Michelle Obama

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